
The Attorney General NUCLEAR MELTDOWN

I think this marks the day I was most inspired to believe in my government's ability to function. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, or AGAG, is an insipid smug little bitch. And you know what? Chuck Shumer was having NONE OF THAT today. Case in point:

Oh yea, how's that feel? Let's ask one of the most conservative Republicans in the Senate, Mr. Coburn, what he thinks:

You know how the Bush admin loves to use the word "bipartisan" when something they want done has Lieberman's name on it? This is true bipartisanship. This is universal hatred and disgust from both parties about this guys smirky piece of shit testimony. With the exception, of course, of Orrin Hatch who's entire line of questioning consisted of "You're awesome right? Will you present to me your cock so that I may vigorously suck you off? No further questions"

I don't have video for that last one though.

PS: AGAG said "I do not recall" 77 times. He repeatedly stated, "I have searched my mind" approximately 3 times. What.


Miles Tougeaux said...

Yep, but the cynic in me thinks it'll just blow over and Sleezy Gonzales will stay in office until the end. But Good for Congress in stepping up and making a5ttempts to enforce oversight.

Miles Tougeaux said...
