
My Romp with Dennis Kucinich

10 minutes ago I was walking to work.

Lo, in the distance ahead, Dennis Kucinich approached. He was talking on his blackberry and obviously had no time for me. So as we passed, I plucked the headphones from my ears and uttered, "I'm looking forward to those articles of impeachment you're filing."
You see, next week Kucinich plans on filing articles of impeachment against Dick Cheney for High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Kucinich stopped, an expression of surprise streaking across his face. "Thank you, sir," he said. It was in this moment that our eyes met. I had a feeling that we were both imagining what our lives together could be like. We could traipse hand-in-hand down Pennsylvania Avenue while he told me about his Department of Peace idea and I could nod in exuberant admiration of his vision for America. I'd tell him about my hopes and dreams and he would pat me on the shoulder and tell me, "all in due time, young one."

Instead, he kept walking and apologized to his caller for being interrupted. I resumed listening to The Yeah Yeah Yeahs and walked on. Other than that fat bastard Tester, that was my first D.C. celebrity sighting.


Dan said...

pretty. fucking. sweet.

Anonymous said...

For some reason I believe you.