
Re-united and it feels so good

The other day Ben, Nader, and Dan came into town after months of estrangement. Their beards are GLORIOUS! We toured the typical places you would go if you were a tourist in Washington. 

But before we could get on our way, we were momentarily distracted by the most HOMOEROTIC BOYSCOUT MEMORIAL EVER. Seriously, since when is it a shock that boyscout leaders are creepy pederasts? This statue is over 50 years old.

Here's me displaying more excitement in one expression than I've experienced in the last 5 years:

We mosey'd on over to the cherry blossom festival and surprised Dan. Adorable. Why isn't Dan in any of these pictures?? We need more Dan.

World War II: Serious Business

And that was our day. There was plenty more, but I for some reason can't find all the pictures. I'll update with more.


Anonymous said...

Haven't you ever heard of NAMBLA? Think about it.

a-ro said...

I'm insanely jealous. I need bearded men in my life, pronto. And not just any, those three fine gentlemen are the only ones that will do.
oh, and neer's pretty cool too, I guess.

The Shadow Chi said...

neer would be a lot cooler if he had a beard