
Wherein I fellate Grandmaster Flash

Well, something I can scratch off my list of things to do before I die: see Grandmaster Flash spin some fucking records.

Sure, the doors opened at 11 and I had to listen to some white guy spin shitty house music for TWO HOURS until Flash decided we were worthy enough to warrant his attention... but it was worth the wait.

Stating, "To me, all music is powerful, no matter who or where it comes from," Flash spun all sorts of shit: The White Stripes, gobs of old school hip hop, Nirvana... it was epic.

He completely outlasted my ability to dance. I don't think I stopped moving for 2 hours straight. Finally, drenched in sweat, I succumbed to the aching in my limbs and took a breather. Unfortunately mid-break he decided to lay down The Message and I was forced to resume.

At the end of the show, Flash demanded a circle be made in which DC's finest B-Boys and B-Girls would show their skills. I only got a picture of this guy (damn you cameraphone!), but I would like to call your attention to the Coolest Kid in the Universe: He's standing to the left in this picture and - oh yes - he did break dance. He couldn't have been more than 12.

Finally the show ended and I left dripping with sweat only to walk outside to be greeted with snow. I haven't seen snow in years.

Thanks, D.C.

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